Family: Apiaceae
Common Name: Cow Parsnip, hogweed
Bulgarian: Сибирски девесил
Croatian: Medvjeđi dlan
Czech: Bolševník obecný
Dutch: Gewone berenklauw
Finnish: Etelänukonputki
French: Grant-bibeu
German: Wiesen-Bärenklau
Hungarian: Közönséges medvetalp
Lithuanian: Lankinis barštis
Norwegian: Bjørnekjeks
Polish: Barszcz zwyczajny
Russian: Борщевик_обыкновенный
Slovenian: Navadni dežen
Swedish: Björnloka
Plant used in Homeopathy
Action: Allergenic; Anthelmintic; Antiseptic; Depurative; Emmenagogue; Expectorant; Laxative; Mutagenic; Phototoxic; Poison; Spasmogenic
Tonic. (Handbook of Medicinal Herbs).
hogweed juice has featured as a wart cure, tender shoots, stripped of their outer skin, enjoyed a reputation as a digestive. (Medicinal Plants in Folk Tradition)
261 Published articles of Heracleum sphondylium